Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I prefer to communicate via email, but texting is good, too. I look forward to hearing from you.

My practice integrates eastern and western ideas and I appreciate that many schools of medicine see us humans as inseparable from our landscape. If we are willing to improve our own health practices, we may be encouraged to take action to improve the health and well being of our environment.


See you soon

“We make divisions all the time between the visible world and the invisible world and it’s as if the invisible world is the poor relation and the visible world is ultimate ground and reality. The more I’ve been thinking about this, the more it seems to me, actually, is that the visible world is the first shoreline of the invisible world. It’s the same way, I believe, between the body and the soul. That actually the body is in the soul - not just the soul within the body. Somehow, the poignancy of being a human being is that you are the place where the invisible becomes visible.

-John O’Donohue (in conversation with Krista Tippett in “On Being” podcast #1,031)